Why you'll never find your PURPOSE

To Live a fulfilling life you must find out your purpose and A zone of expertise… many people don't and that's why they feel, UNFULFILLED

Do you know?

Many people are living their lives feeling unfulfilled, maybe you're one of them.

Maybe you don't like what you do

Maybe you just think you like what you do… 


Maybe you do like what you do but are not good at it.

Whatever the case is…

If your purpose… what you do and want in life doesn't come under a zone 

Zone of expertise

It's a middle intersection point between 3 elements:-

What you love, What you're good at and What will earn you money 

If you do tick all 3 of these boxes you'll be fulfilled

But if there's even a single box left unchecked… You bet 

You will always feel like “something is missing”

But many people make this mistake like I did, The mistake is that 

They think they can become good at anything and that's not true 

I learned coding, graphic designing and what now… even years later 

I couldn't become good at it 

I felt stuck and I just couldn't grow in these skills, maybe because I wasn't dedicated

But I was putting in 3-4 hr every day in those skills and I still couldn't get em 

That's when I got my biggest lesson:- Try things for a few months and see if you're learning and growing

But focus on this point:- Learning and growing

I'm not saying you can become an expert in just a few months no…

All I'm saying is if you're easily able to learn and grasp whatever is being said 

You're able to implement things easily and even if not you're enjoying and learning

That's good 

But if even after months you feel like you just can't even grasp the basics…

That thing isn't for you, believe me 

You must accept it, 

We're told we can be anything, that's not true 

Someone said this to me and it stuck with me:- 

“We can't become anything or everything that we want but we can be everything we are”

You can be anything that you are, just know yourself, know what you love 

And believe me, or not 

You can easily become everything or anything that you are 

Because you're already who you are 

Haha this is a deep psychological sh*t I know but that's how I come up with my purpose

Writing and Copywriting 

I love them, I'm good at them and there's money in it 

What else do I even need Right?


That's all for this email, I hope that it might have helped you a little or maybe a lot 

Your boy 

  • Lalit sharma