Find Unique Marketing angle like Sabri Suby

I was reading an FB AD by Sabri Suby yesterday

The angle of that AD was very Unique, 

Completely different from what I was seeing all over the social media 

It got stuck inside my head,

Right after that, my search began 

I started looking for ways to come up with unique angles like him

I read various newsletters, articles, and posts just to find something 

Something which will help me to create unique angles easily 

Without copying others,

But as the saying goes “Most of the answers are in front of you, You're just not seeing them”

That's what happened to me as well,

I Suddenly remembered a formula given by Tyson 4D in one of his courses

It was about mixing up 2 random things, 

Let me explain,

When you relate 2 unrelated things, something unique comes out on its own 

I started applying this trick right away to create unique angles 

This trick is just so easy, fast, and effective, 

In my last newsletter, I used this trick to come up with a unique angle in just under a minute 

Here's how:-

I used one of the warren buffet's famous quote to teach a lesson about freelancing

Freelancing & Warren Buffett

2 Completely unrelated things right?

You might have become curious as well from just reading these 2 words together 

Thinking as-to "How the heck are Warren Buffett and Freelancing related"

That's the trick 

I used 2 completely different concepts right there to build Curiosity and provide value 

It wasn't a clickbait 

It was me just twisting what Warren Buffett said a little and relating it to freelancing,

Doing clickbait isn't ethical, I suggest you not to do that as well,

That's how you can come up with unique angles like Sabri Suby does (or even I do haha)

Also, you can use other people's authority as I did in this email (using Sabri's suby name)

Well that's the topic of another email 

Maybe the next one?

Make sure to check out my upcoming emails as well

Peace out 

- Lalit Sharma